Pension News


****PHOTO ALBUM 2019****



Retired Detective, Anthony Mattick of Saundersfoot recently took part in his second charity trek to raise funds for Velindre Cancer Centre, Cardiff.

Anthony at the front with Rhod Gilbert stood second from left

In February, Anthony was a member of a large group that trekked along the Helambu Valley north of Kathmandu, Nepal for 55 miles. The group walked amongst the many hills and villages that were devastated by the 2015 earthquake when nearly 9,000 people lost their lives.

Group photo with Anthony sat third from left

Anthony and friends (including his old school friend from Carmarthen, Rhod Gilbert; and Derek ‘Weatherman’ Brockway) spent five days trekking through the spectacular Himalayan scenery. As a result, the magnificent sum of over £250,000 was raised for the Cancer Centre that every year treats over 5,000 new referrals and around 50,000 outpatients.


On Saturday 16th March, Rhod & Anthony have organised a sell-out fund raising Comedy Quiz in Tenby and it is expected that a further £10,000 will be raised for an extremely worthwhile cause.



The below photograph of Pembroke Borough FC was taken at the Bridge Meadow, Haverfordwest in the mid 60’s prior to a Welsh League fixture against Haverfordwest County FC and features two members of Pembrokeshire Police.

On the extreme right of the back row is Barrie Davies (Rtd. C/Insp) and alongside him is the late Brian Mainwaring (Rtd. DC554).

According to those who saw him play, although he was not particularly tall for a centre- forward (striker), Brian was a prolific goal scorer who could head a ball as hard as many could kick it. As well as being an excellent footballer with outstanding passing ability, Barrie was renown in local boxing circles for his stamina and ferocious punching.



Mrs Jean Evans joined Carmarthenshire Constabulary as a Woman Police Constable in 1953, aged 21 and was promoted to Sergeant in Carmarthenshire and Cardiganshire Constabulary in 1958, becoming the first female sergeant in the Force.

WPS 5 Jean Evans and Supt. Harold Sherwood - taken in May 1964 at the Eisteddfod in Cardigan, where they were demonstrating the force’s new radio communications.

At that time policing was male-dominated, and the role of the woman police sergeant was very different to that of her male colleagues. Jean recalls ‘In the 50s Policewomen were responsible for dealing with women and children. One of my responsibilities as a female Sergeant was to supervise policewomen in other stations; I regularly visited Aberystwyth, Ammanford and Llanelli’.

Today, Jean is an active member of DPP NARPO and regularly attends coffee mornings and meetings in Carmarthen.



Ross Mather of Bridgend is a retired South Wales Police officer, who for almost half a century, has studied the history of the police forces of Wales. Throughout that time, he has also collected numerous historic and rare memorabilia of the Welsh police.

According to Ross, the below helmet badge is probably the rarest in his collection – it is a three piece badge which was worn on a rose top helmet. The badge was donated to Ross by the late Chief Supt. Bob Dale, ex Salford City, Pembrokeshire and Gloucestershire forces - the badge was valued a few years ago at £400-£500!

NARPO member, Mr Eric Mullins of Tenby joined Pembrokeshire Police in 1955 and was stationed at Milford Haven. He recollects that the Milford Docks Police which comprised of three Constables, was based in a small office at the main entrance to the Docks. 

The role of the officers was to enforce the Milford Docks bye-laws, but primarily to prevent pilfering - so in effect they were uniformed security guards. By the mid 60’s, the fishing industry was in decline and the Milford Docks Police was eventually disbanded.

Eric recalls that Bill Rostron started his Police career as a member of the Milford Docks Police and finished his Police career as DCC in Gwent!

Note: Milford Haven during the early part of the 20th century was the fifth largest fishing port in the UK and the home port for over 100 trawlers with over 200 ‘drifters’ - so the town was extremely busy with a mix of tough, hard drinking seamen



The photo shows Roger Garraway (PC 213) of the Prosecutions Dept at Aberystwyth shaking hands outside Aberystwyth Magistrates Court  with the Clerk of the Court, the late Mr. John Davies who was formerly a Prosecuting Solicitor and fondly known by many as ‘John QC’.

The photo was taken in 1986 at the last sitting of Aberystwyth Magistrate's Court where the police conducted proceedings prior to the introduction of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). The Prosecution of Offences Act 1985 created the CPS who became responsible for conducting criminal prosecutions in England & Wales.

Many thanks to Brian Wiley for submitting the nostalgic photo.



The below photo was taken many seasons ago (possibly 1963/64), unfortunately there is no information as to the venue or opponents.

Standing (L to R): Henry Jones, N/K, Brian Bebb, Wynn Edwards, Ralph Rees, Gwyn Hughes, Jeff Hopkins, Brian (Budgie) Evans, Ron Thorogood, Colin Price, Ivor Jones, N/K, N/K, Front: Bert Edwards, Peter Davies, Brian Oakley, Colin Williams, Mel Evans and Arthur (Nat) Lewis.



Harold Greenwood was an English solicitor who moved to Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire in 1898 with his wife Mabel and their four children. In 1919, Greenwood was accused of murdering Mabel by arsenic poisoning and was tried at Carmarthen Assizes in 1920 where he was subsequently acquitted.

Harold Greenwood leaving the court

To view the scenes outside the court, including members of the Carmarthenshire Constabulary on horseback, click on:



Do you play Bowls - if so, would you be interested in representing Welsh Police in the 2019 International Bowls series between Wales, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland?

The Wales team that competed at the 2017 event with some players from Dyfed-Powys 

The annual event has taken place for many years, unfortunately, Wales had to withdraw from the 2018 event due to lack of players. It is hoped that Wales can find 16 players for the 2019 event which will be held in Southend–on–Sea during the third week of June (dates to be confirmed).

Some financial assistance will be provided towards expenses including a two-night stay in Southend. For more information please contact Martin Jones of Ammanford Email:

Update: Confirmation that the dates for Southend internationals are 18th, 19th,20th, June at Essex County Bowls Club. The total cost per person ie : green fees, 2 night hotel stay, and £25 to driver will be no more than £160. Take £100 from that(allowance from Welsh fund) makes it £60.



Many NARPO members who were CID officers during the 70’s and early 80’s will have their own personal memory of Detective Chief Superintendent Pat Molloy who was head of Dyfed-Powys CID from 1972 to 83.

Detective C/Supt Pat Molloy

Dominic Patrick William Molloy was born in Cobh, Co. Cork and from the age of six brought up in England, leaving school at the age of 14 to work on the railway. In 1950 he joined Stoke on Trent City Police (later Staffordshire Police), entering CID in 1957.

During his time in Staffordshire he took a leading part in the 5-year investigation into a series of child murders known as the Cannock Chase Murders which shocked Britain, finally arresting the killer Raymond James Morris.

Writing became his hobby and on retirement, Pat and his wife Hilda lived at Fishguard overlooking the ferry terminal where he and his family first stepped off the boat from Cork. Sadly, he passed away at his home in June 2003.

Taken during the visit of HRH Prince Charles (1) to Newtown in 1973, DCC Cyril Vaughan (2), DCS Pat Molloy (3), Supt. Len Evans (4) and DS David Jones (5).  

The following photograph and quote are taken from his book Seal Bay about Operation Seal Bay which uncovered a sophisticated drug smuggling ring in north Pembrokeshire:

Ahoy there! – visiting Seal Bay shortly before his retirement. Pat Molloy (1), Det. Supt Derek Davies (2), DCC Aiden Mullett (3) and DS Aldwyn Jones (4) – later Det. Supt.

Eleven years I had held my job in Dyfed-Powys Police, since transferring from the Midlands where I had been a founder member of the Regional Crime Squad. Thirty-three years I had been a policeman, 25 years a detective. By dint of much travelling, constant contact at work and at play, by taking personal command of teams drawn from far and wide for protracted murder investigations, I knew every one of my men personally, their strengths, their weaknesses, their individual skills. ‘Work hard, play hard’ was our philosophy and there was nothing like a hundred hours a week major investigation and the celebration at the end of it to exemplify it.



Following on from recent articles from former Cadets reminiscing about their time spent on Outward Bound Courses, Roger Davies of Pembroke has provided an interesting insight into his time as a young Cadet at Llanelli in the early 60’s.

To read the article click HERE.

Note: Police Cadets were introduced in 1959 with the initial intention of boosting recruitment into the Police as, at that time recruitment was very low. Until the 1990’s, Police Cadets were full-time employees who were aged 16-19. Police Cadets had no powers of arrest but were able to assist their senior colleagues in many practical matters as well as observing the work of their supervisors.



On July 1st 1969, the investiture of Prince Charles took place at Caernarfon Castle, making him the 21st Prince of Wales. Among the 4,000 guests at the ceremony was Mr JR Jones, Chief Constable Dyfed-Powys Constabulary.

NARPO member Mr Peter Jones of Freshwater East, son of ‘JR’, recently came across investiture memorabilia including the comprehensive 112 page Operational Order compiled by Gwynedd Constabulary.

The front cover, introduction and a table of showing the mutual aid provided by outside forces can be found by clicking HERE.



Following on from the recent article and photographs of the Elan Valley Police Cadet Camp, some DPP Cadets attended the Aberdovey Outward Bound School.

The above group photo supplied by Gavin Davies (arrowed) was taken at Aberdovey in April 1972. Gavin has also compiled a synopsis of his time at Aberdovey which can be found by clicking HERE.



The below photograph received from Harry Rees, was taken in 1954/55 and originates from DPP NARPO member Dulais Williams, a former member of the Carmarthenshire & Cardiganshire Constabulary.

It shows an overturned fire tender which was on an emergency call having travelled a short distance from the fire station in Heol Wallasey through Ammanford Square where it overturned in College Street.

The officer at the scene would have been a Carmarthenshire officer prior to amalgamation with Cardiganshire which took place in 1958.

Harry is reliably informed by Dulais that at present only three officers from the former Carmarthenshire force are still alive.

Dulais and Harry are attempting to identify the officer in the photograph – can you help?


NARPO member Mr Handel Rees (Rtd. PS51) has provided more details about the incident:

Handel is confident that the officer pictured in the photo is PC Johnson (No.5) as when Handel was about 15 years of age, he used to deliver milk to the officer’s home. Handel has also clarified that Ammanford Fire Station was then situated in the car park of what is now the Ammanford Social Club, commonly known as the Pick and Shovel.

The fire engine had travelled along Wind Street, failed to negotiate a nasty left-hand bend before overturning in College Street. The driver of the vehicle was Benny Williams who later became a County Councillor and a Magistrate. The passengers in the fire tender at the time included Sid Thomas and Alan Lane.

Many thanks to Handel for solving the mystery. 



The Elan Valley (below) is one of the most beautiful and unspoilt areas in Wales. However, for those that joined ‘the job’ as a Police Cadet and attended the Elan Valley Police Cadet Camp (EVPCC), the area probably evokes many memories of what was a physically demanding but rewarding time in their young lives.

Image result for elan valley

The outward-bound camp was situated a few miles west of Rhayader in the shadow of the imposing Caban Coch dam that supplies Birmingham with water. The courses, each lasting four weeks, were run by instructors from Birmingham City / West Midlands Police with Cadets drawn primarily from Midlands and Home Counties forces.

On arrival, each new intake was split into six platoons with each platoon named after a nearby town or village. After being issued with a sleeping bag, rucksack and eating utensils, Cadets were assigned to their new home with no home comforts  - a large ridge tent with wooden pallets for a mattress.

During the course, Cadets were instructed in new skills including map reading, compass work, knot typing, canoeing, rock climbing, abseiling, cross-country running, assault course and other physical challenges. By the end of the day they were dog-tired and with little in the way of entertainment, it was either a game of football or watching television on a small black & white TV.

The toughest challenge came towards the end of the course - a four-day trek over the Cambrian Mountains carrying a massive rucksack. It was hot, hilly and backbreaking - to make matters worse, the midges loved the tender, young flesh!

An aerial view of the area where the camp was situated – today, only the goalposts remain.

Four DPP NARPO members have kindly supplied photos taken during their time at Elan Valley and they appear below in chronological order.

N.B. Further memories will appear in due course - if you attended EVPCC please let us have your memories & photos.



Clive Cowey attended EVPCC as a Mid-Wales Constabulary Cadet, but things didn’t exactly go according to plan. (Unfortunately, Clive’s time at the camp was cut short due to him sustaining a broken ankle on the arduous assault course).

Clive is stood at the rear, second from right. Clive recollects that We’ve Got to Get out of this Place sang by The Animals became the camp’s anthem and for obvious reasons was sung with gusto at every opportunity! ‘Although it was over 50 years ago I still remember that the days were taken up with various physical activities which certainly did wonders in boosting our self-confidence’.



Like Clive, Hugh Colley was a Mid-Wales Constabulary Cadet and attended EVPCC in August 1967. He recalls, ‘The object of the four-week course with its rigid rules, was to toughen us up - both physically and mentally’.

Hugh on the extreme left of the front row also recollects ‘We all suffered with badly blistered feet and midge bites from the long treks over hilly and boggy terrain. It was definitely, the most challenging and demanding four weeks of our lives but great fun. A Commandant's inspection was held each Friday morning when our kit was inspected.. Also, the grass around each tent had to be cleared of sheep droppings and the turf swept in straight lines so it looked like Wembley on Cup Final day!

The camp motto Nec Aspera Terrent carved in wood roughly translates as Frightened by No Difficulties.



Geraint Phillips of Pembroke attended EVPCC in July / August 1972 as a Dyfed-Powys Cadet together with Dylan Thomas (Rtd. PS15) who was in a different platoon.

Geraint kneeling on the extreme left with his own brand of humour recalls. ‘It was a very tough, but happy four-week course spent in 5-star accommodation! After all, we could see at least 5 stars through the hole in our tent’. 



It was during the red hot summer of 1976 when Arfon Jones spent the whole of June at the cadet camp. At the tender age of 17, a month away from home was a daunting experience as George Phillips (then training PC) conveyed a group of young cadets from Carmarthen to Elan Valley – their new home.

Arfon’s platoon: (Standing from L to R) Martin Jones, Bill James, Arfon Jones, Meirion James. Front row: Barry Pinder and two West Midlands Cadets.

The above group photo includes a contingent of DPP Cadets including: Back row: (L to R) Phil Ingram, Andy Vaughan, Les Clark, Ceri Jones, Phil Brackley and Malcolm Thomas. Second row standing: Bill James, Arfon Jones, Bob Jones; Meirion James, David Puntan, Kevin Chamberlain, Martin Jones. Seated: Norman Nicholls, Malcolm Thompson, David Meredith. Sat on ground: Chris Jones, Andy (Snowy) Thomas and Barry Pinder.

In 2006 Arfon returned to the Elan Valley for the day and walked the area retracing the steps of the hikes and camp sites in 1976. With change of time most of the buildings had fallen to total ruin and trees grown to change the landscape but standing there in tranquility within the countryside, he could still visualise the way it was in 1976.

Happy times, forty years have certainly flown by!!


The following has been received from Malcolm Thompson (Coroner’s Officer, Carmarthen Division):


The photo submitted by Arfon Jones certainly brought back memories. June of 1976 was one of the hottest on record when this camp took place. The names in the photo that he was unsure of were Phil Brackley and David Puntan.



The below photo supplied by Glyn Cole (Rtd. DC802) was taken at Pontyates in April 1979 and features the jubilant C (Pembrokeshire) Division squad that defeated A (Llanelli) Division 26 - 16 in the final.

Back (L to R): Rob Thomas, Glyn Cole, John Kilcoyne, Bill Horne, Clive Rich. Front: Jeremy Davies, Ken Rees, Andy Edwards and Graham Richards



The below photo of a group of Carmarthenshire & Cardiganshire officers was taken in 1959/60. It features the Judges Escort making their way to the Assize Court at The Guildhall following a church service held at St. Peter’s Church.


NARPO member Mr Peter Colwill of Borth has managed to identify some of the officers as follows:

The Inspector leading the procession is David Evans and the other Inspector is Meurig Thomas (later Superintendent at Aberystwyth). I think that the Sergeant on the right of the photo is Arwyn Thomas (Rtd. 126). The motorcyclist could be either the late Gareth Thomas (No. 191) or the late Ch. Insp. Dan Jones (61) as they were both motorcyclists at that time.

Left side from front

Right side from front

Insp. Meurig Thomas

Insp. David Evans

PS Jack Williams (later Insp)

PS Arwyn Thomas

PC John Phillips

PC Gwmryn Jones




PC Peter Colwill



The following has been received from Roger Davies of Pembroke: The photo is either 1962/3, as I was a Police Cadet in Llanelly when Insp Evans was the Station Sgt (No.153) when I joined in 1960 and up to 1963 when he was promoted Inspector to Lampeter. The motor cyclist is PC Brian Thomas (No 45) and I firmly believe the other Inspector is John Edwards and not Meurig Thomas who I drove quite often when he was Superintendent In Aberystwyth. All other names I agree and Gwmryn number was 162.








English Welsh

